Fatigue, weight loss resistance and brain fog

It is estimated that approximately 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease. 60% of those are unaware they have a thyroid problem or worse, have symptoms but have not been diagnosed.

The numbers worldwide approach 200 million. This is truly and pandemic. One in eight women will develop a thyroid disorder in their lifetime.

Symptoms include weight gain despite diet and exercise, decreased energy, cold hands and feet, brain fog and difficulty concentrating, brittle hair and nails. 90% of thyroid conditions are autoimmune (Hashimoto’s) and don’t respond well to conventional therapy.

Other issues need to be addressed to include the gut and cellular inflammation.

60 %

of those suffering are

undiagnosed or unaware

20 million

americans suffer from
hyperthyroidism each year


are autoimmune


dietary recommendations

supplementation programs

detoxification procedures

healing at the cellular level

Take control of your
health again

Dr. Steve’s Cellular Reboot Program is designed to battle Hypothyroidism and more- starting with the cause and eliminating the symptoms.
Take the first bold step to taking back control over your health. Make fatigue and brai fog a long lost memory.